This is a corporate site and therefore we don’t engage in arguments or strong opinions about religion, sports or politics. (Oh, perhaps we’re being too hasty about sports. Go Mariners!) But we do believe in research and homework. And paying attention.
The recent ongoing ruckus about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright has received deserved attention from many points on the spectrum. We’re betting that if we asked 100 people at random in Anywhere USA about the Rev. Wright dustup, most of them would be familiar with it. After all, if you have access to the media in practically any form, you’d be hard pressed to not be familiar with the subject. Then we’d bet that most of those who have heard about Rev. Wright, when asked to name three things they knew about him, would generally have these responses:
- He’s the guy who said, “God damn America!”
- He’s the guy who said, “U.S. of K.K.K.A.”
- He’s the guy who said those terrible things about 9/11 being America’s fault.
If all you’re doing is reading and hearing what the media says about it, how could you come up with anything else? Those are the 10-15 second sound bites that have been playing over and over and over, to the point where people who had never heard of Rev. Wright a month ago now have involuntarily memorized the three or four sentences that lead up to the “God damn America!” rant.
And that’s unfortunate. Because no one is hearing the “other” words that were spoken in those sermons, nor any of the words in his other sermons. Rev. Wright was pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for over three-and-a-half decades. If all he spoke was one sermon a week, that’s still close to a couple thousand sermons. How many of all those hundreds of talks contained objectionable material? We’ll never know, because all you’re going to hear are those three or four tiny snippets containing the vile stuff.
And if you took the time to dig just a wee bit deeper into who this man is, you might come up with a new viewpoint about him. We spent just a few minutes looking into his background. We’re not talking about extensive research here; we’re talking about spending a few minutes on the Internet. We discovered that as a young man the Rev. Wright joined the Marine Corps, and then transferred to the U.S. Navy, serving as a cardiopulmonary technician. After six years in the military, he received an undergraduate and his first Master’s Degree at Howard University. He earned a second Master’s Degree and then went on to earn his Doctorate Degree. The man has four earned degrees and eight honorary doctorates. When he became pastor at Trinity United, the church had 87 members. It now has more than 6,000.
You haven’t hard about any of that on talk radio or the cable news shows, have you?
We’re not making any attempt to excuse or sanction any of the despicable sentences that keep playing ad nauseum over the airwaves. (And we do mean airwaves, too; those words have so much more power when spoken the way the Rev. Wright speaks them, and bear in mind they wouldn’t seem nearly as horrible if read on a piece of paper.) We’re just saying that to have a complete picture of a situation, and form a fair opinion about it, one should do a modicum of research. When we say modicum, remember we only spent a few minutes on this. So, armed with a slightly more complete quantity of information about this guy, the answers given to the question posed earlier might be:
- He’s that pastor who served six years in the Marines and Navy.
- He’s that pastor with four earned degrees and eight honorary doctorates.
- He’s that guy who said all those horrible things in those sound bites.
Yep, there’s no way to escape the ugly stuff he said. But before vilifying a person for a few seconds of awful talk, it helps to dig a little deeper and examine the lifetime that preceded it.